Sunday, June 29, 2008


Had to ring the on-call vet. Clinics are closed today. Cleo's face is huge. She looks like she just lost the title match. :(
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It's all about the shoes...

Went to a stagette party last night. Here is a pic of me and the bride...well, a pic of our awesome shoes anyway!! Mine are the blacks ones, a sweet little pair i picked up while in Las Vegas last year. They are both 4.25 inches (Hey, a girl needs it when she's 5'3!!).
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Chubby Puppy

Cleo went to stay with mom and dad for a weekand look how chubby she got!!....... Just kidding, she had an allergic reaction and got all swollen.
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Allergic reaction... :(

Here is a pic of Cleo today (Sunday). She woke up with a bad allergic reaction. Her face is completely swollen: huge nose, poffy throat, and one eye closed a bit. We found what looks to be a sting mark on her neck. I think she must be allergic to wasps or something. Not sure what caused it but she took some meds and I am watching the swelling. A trip to the vet might still be in order if things don't start to go down.
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Jon enjoying a delicacy in the back yard.
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Martini Bar

Here's Rod, Natalie, Jon and I at the martini bar Sebastien on Friday night.
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On Hold

Here's Cleo on hold with Roger's trying to get better service.
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Scott's Prom

Here is Scott and Zoe at the Grand March for Scott's Prom from Saint John High School.Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dox Brain

Jon and I are attempting to crack Cleo. We are working on some obedience training (and by "we" I mean Jon and I are the ones getting trained). Here is a detailed map of the dachshund brain that I found in my advanced Psychology textbooks.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

Here's mom in her new outdoor rocker- a gift from the family.
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Friday, June 6, 2008

Jon and Cleo

Cleo has taken over the comfy blanket!
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Watching TV

Here is Cleo watching TV, while at the same time, watching Jon make a snack in the kitchen :)
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Cleo's visit to Meadowland Terrace

Here is Cleo enjoying the view from 20 Meadowland Terrace. The sun is in the front of the house in the mornings, so she peeks out the door and watches the neighbors go to work.
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It's a little blurry, but here is a picture of a deer in our backyard. We've had a few out there!
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