Sunday, July 27, 2008

New do!

Here's a pic of my new do! (Going for the beach look here in Grand Bay)
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Cleo le sous-chef

Here is cleo helping out in the kitchen. She stands with her mouth hanging open in case anything should fall.
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Never cook bacon naked...

Jonny cooked up some pork ribs for his parents one night last week. Here he is smoothering them in Beer & Chipoltle BBQ sauce. They were quite good.
Unsure why he felt the need to be shirtless...
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Flowers from Natalie!

Natalie also sent me some beautiful flowers!
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Roses from my hubby..

Jon brought home some roses for me, in celebration of my new job! I am going to be working as a coordinator with Canada Blood Services.
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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

For those who peruse the blogs unbeknowst by us...

Just a note to say the blog now allows anonymous posts for all those family members who secretly visit but don't leave a know who you are!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Funeral Pictures

Picture from the funeral of a Firefighter held in the city yesturday. Firefighters from all over came to pay respects. Dad helped organize a beautiful ceremony, including the shining fire truck all decked out in mourning draping. The other Green men also participated in the honour and colour guard. A sad event, hundreds of firefighters came to pay respects.

Firefighter Funeral

Here is a picture from the funeral held for a fire fighter here in Saint John. He passed away of a heart attack after a shift. Dad, Uncle Stephen, and Chris were all in attendence and made us proud.
this is the link to the article in the paper with a quote from Dad:

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Cleo coming in from swimming laps

Here's a pic of Cleo making her way back to the stairs. She jumps in and swims around on her own, then goes over and climbs out using the stairs.
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Big Baby Sunblock

Here is Dad with his new sunblock, Aveeno Big Baby.
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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Jon at the FIsh ladder

Close up of the fish swimming up the gorge! Really neat to see!
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Fish ladder at in St George

Here's the fish ladder in St George. Here salmon and alewives (fish) swim up the gorge through this fish ladder. It consists of 46 pools of water that is really rough. There are windows where you can peak in at the fish.
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St George

Here I am at the old mill in St George.
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Melissa & John Green

Jon and I attended the wedding of our friends Melissa and John on the weekend at the Fairmont Algonquin in St Andrews. I did a reading for the ceremony. It was a beautiful day!
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Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Here is a pic of my friend Heather and I. The theme was "Bermuda". We attended a bachelorette party on the weekend. Heather is getting married this August, I am going to be a bridesmaid!