Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"You Are Here"...

Mark correctly identifies NB on the world map.
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Leaving their Mark

So Merrie and Mark just left our cosy little corner of Canada to head all the way back to NZ. They had to make sure they were well represented on the world map at the Falls Restaurant however :)
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Mom's chic new dress!

Mom and I went dress shopping a few weeks back and mom found this chic number at Samuel & Co. Longwood and Mrs. Longwood are off to Toronto for a wedding next week
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Here's the little trouble maker hanging out in the laundry basket. This shot is for her big sister :)
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Friday, September 19, 2008

Toomey Visit!!

No new photos to post, but big news. THE TOOMEY'S CAME TO VISIT!!! Merrie and Mark came as a surprise for my aunt's b-day. Merrie flew to Vancouver for work, so Mark jumped on the plane too! A quick flight from BC to SJ, and here they were!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Flooding in Grand Bay

Here are some shots of the flooding in Grand Bay. You can see the caboose in the background.
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Flooding at Sears

A shot from out East Saint John, they are asking people to avoid going out there if possible.
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