Friday, October 31, 2008

I Like Turtles

This is my friend Jonathan. He just had a great face paint job. Thats a great zombie face paint job Jonathan!
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Do you believe in the fairies? (said in a Scottish accent)
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This years goodies

Up for grabs were Reese's Pieces and Oh Henry's. Eventually we just put the bowl outside and let the kids take what they wanted.
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Cleo in her costume greeting trick or treaters in Grand Bay.
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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Uh oh...

Today Canadian Blood Services went to emergency messaging as the blood supply is critically low, meaning surgeries will have to be canceled if more donors don't come in. So please book if you can. 1 888 2 DONATE

40 per cent drop in inventory forces rationing of hospital blood supply - more donors needed urgently

Ottawa - October 29, 2008 -- In the last two months the national blood inventory - our emergency reserve - has dropped by more than 40 per cent. On Tuesday, it had dropped to two days on hand for the most common blood types.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Here's my butt in pair of Dolche & Gabbana jeans. They were way too tight (as one might be able to tell), but I managed to sausage them on enough to take a photo.

They will make some very skinny girl very happy some day...sigh...

Lookin Good!

Here Natalie and I are at the bar 10. We had a great Girls Night Out! Lots of martini's and random men trying to pick us up.

Natalie was sure to get rid of them in the most polite, not so polite :)

Me at Lululemon

Here's the store that took all my money when I was in Calgary.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Dad & Britney

Had to steal this picture from the Moose blog. Too hilarious to pass up.

The floosies always go for a man in uniform!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

New Car!!

Jon and I bought a new car today! Another Honda Civic!! If everything goes well, we should have our new baby next week. It's a silver 2 door coupe.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Giving Thanks..

Thanksgiving is a time of tradition. Here we see my excellent culinary skills put to work with the cranberry sauce. It takes many years of experience to remove the cranberry sauce from the can while keeping it intact and having the rings still visible. This is no easy feat with the chunky cranberry sauce either. Look and learn kids.
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Just like the first Thanksgiving... :)

A traditional Maritime Thanksgiving dinner. Turkey, pie, cranberry dressing.
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Thanksgiving tan

Cleo took time on the long weekend to work on her fading summer tan. Mom was not happy when she saw that her lounger had been taken.
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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thanksgiving Slug

Scott came home for some quality time with the family over Thanksgiving :)
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Toys for Big Boys

Dad playing with his leaf-blower on the deck. Beautiful weather here. Nothing like the sweet, calming sound of a leaf blower...
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Cleo enjoying a snuggle in Scott's guitar case.
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Friday, October 10, 2008

Carrie Underwood!

Carrie Underwood performed in Saint John tonight. The concert was AWESOME! Light show, outfit changes, amazing singing, great band and sold out crowd!

Little Big Town

Little Big Town opened for Carrie Underwood in Saint John tonight. Only knew a few of their songs but they were really good.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Cleo is going as a hot dog this year. Not very creative, I know :)
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Nice View!

Here's a shot of a property Jon and I are looking at buying. We want to build a dream house someday!! Prices are a little steep here though.
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Photoless update:

So Jon came and donated blood today on behalf of the Fire Fighters for the "Sirens for Life Challenge" (photo was on Longwood's page) at Canadian Blood Services. I couldn't help but notice that no one else has donated in support of our brave family Fire Fighters! The Police are leading in Saint John so far...can't have that.

Hoping to see you all out in droves next week! I'm available to hold hands and fetch cookies if needed.

- 1 unit of blood can save 3 lives
- takes only about 45 minutes of your time
- cancer patients, premature babies, accident victems, and those needing surgery all require many units of blood (sometimes hundreds at a time).
- blood can be donated every 56 days (8 weeks)
- 1 888 2 DONATE to book an appointment or ask questions!