Thanksgiving is a time of tradition. Here we see my excellent culinary skills put to work with the cranberry sauce. It takes many years of experience to remove the cranberry sauce from the can while keeping it intact and having the rings still visible. This is no easy feat with the chunky cranberry sauce either. Look and learn kids.
Actually, I prefer the canned variety with no visible beries at all. Just the gelatinus glob straight from the tin.
I like when pieces of the lable come off and get stuck to the side of it
Actually, I would like to know how you did this....lines I mean. I have succeeded in getting it out whole but with LINES??
I'm impressed, and soooo young.
I'm not kidding!
Quite the gourmet - eh...
I can't believe this post hasn't been pulled by Longwoodette yet. Me and my home-made cranberry sauce will see you at Christmas...!
LOL! Natalie you are just like my mother. I remember she spat tacks one christmas when the cocktail sauce (for the shrimp) came out of a bottle.
She's never let any of us forge it either.
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