He Said She Said - Has a Baby!
Things are about to change...
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Just the right fit!
Shopping for new shoes at Port Royal
Bring me my hossenfeffer..
Baby Jon...
Jon was mad at me here, probably because I made him go in this store.
Adventures in Annapolis
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Breakin' out the moves...
Showing the young folks how it's done.
More shots from the reception
Scott and I taking a break from getting our grove on.
Time to shake it!
Mom and Nicole burnin' up the dance floor at the dance!
Mr & Mrs Perry
My cousin Steven and his new wife Aimee cutting the cake at their wedding reception Friday night.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Bailey House B & B
Our B & B in Annapolis Royal, built in the 1700's. 4.5 stars and very nice!
Going hiking
Getting ready for a hike at Fundy Trail. Cleo loves hiking, but can't go up the steep ladders or suspension bridge very well (scared of heights).
New lot?
This is the one!
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