Tuesday, June 29, 2010

New House!!

So Jon and I have bought a new house! It is located in Brandy Point, the neighborhood I grew up in, located in Grand Bay. We cannot wait to take possession and start renovating (again)! Our townhouse is sold, and unless something unfortunate happens, we'll be moving into this new place in August!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Jon's old rock climbing hang out


Jon and I took a hiking trip up to Welsford to check out where he used to rock and ice climb. Great day, no bugs! Pretty tough hike in some spots though. Great views.
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Watch your step


We had a 'naner snack on top of the mountain rocks.
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Species Identification?


I call this a "Lady Slipper". It was pink, but I saw yellow as well. We need Dutch Girl to weigh in...
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"Feed me Seymore!"


Strange rock thing with ferns on top...
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View from the top


View from our hike in Welsford NB
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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Guard dog off duty

This is know as a Cleo ball, she does this all by herself.

Friday, June 11, 2010


I wonder what they got at the store?