Thursday, December 16, 2010

Adele turns 25...again!

Well December 17 is here already. Time to celebrate me turning 25 - again.

Looking forward to some home-made chocolate cherry cake - same cake mom has made me since I was a little girl.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hoosier "possum belly" Baker's Table


Jon certainly knows the way to my heart.

This is my birthday present!!

It's a Hoosier baker's table, manufactured from around the 1890's to 1940. This one is sometimes known as a "possum belly" as it has the flour drawers hanging underneath. This style of baker's table was popular before there were mass-produced kitchen cabinets to store items. The table is an early style, made all out of wood. Later models were made with zinc, tin, and even marble on the top. Tin drums kept rodents from gnawing through to eat the flour.

Jon spotted this while he was dropping off some items at the Habitat for Humanity Re-Store in town. It's in rough shape, but he knew it was just what I was looking for to put our TV on.

Turns out they are rather rare (though mass produced at the turn of the century, mostly out of Indiana). He paid $75 for it. A quick look on e-bay, Craiglist and Kijiji shows us that these sell normally from $300-$1500. So not too bad at all! We love it!!!
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You can see the 2 drums and the drawers in this photo. The top of the whole table actually hinges up, underneath (where the dvd player is), actually has a piece that flips down to conceal the front. We're leaving it open to store the dvd player and digital cable box though.

Handles are missing off the drawers, but overall, not in too bad shape. Will probably restore/refinish it someday when we have time.
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The 2 drums underneath were for holding flour and other baking supplies... More recent models (1930-1940) were made from tin and other materials to keep rodents out.
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Sewing table


Picked up this little gem off Kijiji. It's an old sewing table (no machine inside anymore though). I loved the little drawers on the side. Will be a great table for keys and mitts by the back door. $20.
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Winter wonderland


We've had some awesome winter days over the last week. Pretty to see the snow in the trees.
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010



Look closely at the car driving by....
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Funny what you find...


....when all the leaves fall off the plants and trees. This was spotted under a bush in the back yard. Jon and I have never seen it before today!
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Welcome home!


Getting ready for the holidays during the nice weather today. Hot enough to tan on the side of the house!
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Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010



Jon's got the maple treads all stained, waiting to be cut for the staircase. Maple is notoriously hard to stain...who knew?
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Stair jig


Yes, exciting stuff. That piece in the middle is the jig Jon and Dad are using to put in the new staircase. Reno's are in full swing!
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Welcome to the Watts' Ool!


Notice there is no "P" in it. Please keep it that way.
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Guest house and gate


Guests can stay in their own private bunkie!
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Little garden on the side leading to the back gate.
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No stove!


No stove, so we've been BBQ'ing every meal! Jon's loving it.
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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

New House!!

So Jon and I have bought a new house! It is located in Brandy Point, the neighborhood I grew up in, located in Grand Bay. We cannot wait to take possession and start renovating (again)! Our townhouse is sold, and unless something unfortunate happens, we'll be moving into this new place in August!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Jon's old rock climbing hang out


Jon and I took a hiking trip up to Welsford to check out where he used to rock and ice climb. Great day, no bugs! Pretty tough hike in some spots though. Great views.
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Watch your step


We had a 'naner snack on top of the mountain rocks.
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Species Identification?


I call this a "Lady Slipper". It was pink, but I saw yellow as well. We need Dutch Girl to weigh in...
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"Feed me Seymore!"


Strange rock thing with ferns on top...
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View from the top


View from our hike in Welsford NB
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