Wednesday, April 20, 2011


This is the horse I am leasing. Her name is On Assignment, or Alex around the barn. She is a 19 year old grey Quarter Horse who lives at a beautiful barn about 15 mins away from where Jon and I live. We're training in a form of riding called dressage. I currently ride 2-3 times a week, 1 of which is with our trainer Debbie.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Before photo...

So I can't find a "before" pic of the ensuite washroom. But it looked like the main bathroom pictured here, except much smaller...

Ensuite Reno!

Jon attacked the ensuite bathroom this week. The reno included installing a new low-flow toilet, new sink and counter tops, as well as light fixture, cabinet painting, new wall colour, and some art. So nice to wake up and take a shower in a bathroom not stuck in the 80's.

Ensuite shower

New curved curtain rod, shower curtain, towel rod, fuzzy bath mat, and art. =)

What page was I on?

Yes, my carnivore husband used a fork as a bookmark.

Vietnamese Salad Roll!

Fresh salad rolls made from rice paper, carrots, lettuce, noodles and crushed cashews! Were delicious dipped in either Hoysen or peanut sauce.

Porterhouse steaks with goat cheese

Jon has fired up the BBQ for the summer! First on the grill, porterhouse steaks fresh off the cow. Done with a goat cheese topping. Delicious! That's a lettuce roll I made on the side with some dipping sauce.