Saturday, December 10, 2011

Turkey Time!


Here is the turkey prior to consumption.
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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

All that remains...


Saturday night was the First Ever Possibly Annual Watts Christmas Party. They came en masse: Greens, Doiron's, Cheney's, Watts' a few honourary family members joined the festivities! What a great time!! Thanks to everyone who made it out! What a great way to kick off the holidays!
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All grown up!


(Katie is getting up there too...)
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The Toners!


Walked up the hill this time!
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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Kijiji Ad from Moncton NB

Do you like shoveling snow? Then stop reading this and go back to your pushups and granola because you are not someone that I want to talk to.

Let’s face it, we live in a place that attracts snow like Magnetic Hill attracts cars, only that ain’t an illusion out there. That’s 12 inches of snow piling up and, oh, what’s that sound? Why it’s the snow plow and it’s here to let you know that it hates you and all the time you spent to shovel your driveway. Did you want to get out of your house today? Were you expecting to get to work on time? Or even this week?

You gave it your best shot. You tried to shovel by yourself and I respect you for that. I did it, my parents did it, some of my best friends did it. But deep down inside, we all wanted to murder that neighbor with the snowblower who was finished and on his second beer while you were still trying to throw snow over a snowbank taller than you are.

So, here we are. You could murder your neighbour, which could ensure that you won’t need to shovel a driveway for 25 to life, but there are downsides to that too. What to do?

Here’s the deal. I have a snow blower and I want you to own it. I can tell you’re serious about this. It’s like I can almost see you: sitting there, your legs are probably crossed and your left hand is on your chin. Am I right? How’d I do that? The same way that I know that YOU ARE GOING TO BUY THIS SNOWBLOWER.

I want you to experience the rush that comes with smashing through a snowdrift and blowing that mother trucker out of the way. The elation of seeing the snow plow come back down your street and watching the look of despair as your OTHER neighbour gets his shovel out once more while you kick back with a hot cup of joe (you don’t have a drinking problem like that other guy).

Here’s what you do. You go to the bank. You collect $900. You get your buddy with a truck and you drive over here. You give me some cold hard cash and I give you a machine that will mess up a snowbank sumthin’ fierce. I’ve even got the manual for it, on account of I bought it brand new and I don’t throw that kind of thing away. Don't want to pay me $900? Convince me. Send me an offer and I'll either laugh at you and you'll never hear back from me or I'll counter.

You want a snow blower. You need a snow blower.

This isn’t some entry level snow blower that is just gonna move the snow two feet away. This is an 11 HP Briggs and Stratton machine of snow doom that will cut a 29 inch path of pure ecstasy. And it’s only 4 years old. I dare you to find a harder working 4 year old. My niece is five and she gets tired and cranky after just a few minutes of shoveling. This guy just goes and goes and goes.

You know what else? I greased it every year to help keep the water off it and the body in as good as shape as possible. It's greasier than me when I was 13, and that's saying something.

You know how many speeds it has? Six forward and two in reverse. It goes from “leisurely” slow up to “light speed”. Seriously, I’ve never gone further than five because it terrifies me. I kid you not, you could probably commute to work with it dragging you.

You know what else is crappy about clearing snow in the morning? That you have to do it in the dark. Well, not anymore! It has a halogen headlight that will light your way like some kind of moveable lighthouse (only better, because lighthouses won’t clear your driveway).

Oh, and since it’s the 21st century, this snow blower comes with an electric starter. Just plug that sucker in, push the button, and get ready to punch snow in the throat. If you want to experience what life was like in olden days, it comes with a back-up cord you could pull to start it, but forget that. The reason you’re getting this fearsome warrior was for the convenience, so why make it harder on yourself?

By this point, you’re probably wondering why I would sell my snowblower since the first snowpocalypse is upon us today. I’ll tell you why: because I heard it was time for you to man up and harness some mighty teeth and claws and chew your way to freedom, that’s why.

This is my snow blower. Make it your snow blower.

Friday, November 11, 2011

The First Ever Possibly Annual Watts Christmas Extravaganza (Party)

Time to get the family together at the Watts' residence to kick off the holidays! Dec 3, 2011 at 7pm.
Check out the Facebook event page! Or RSVP on here.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Now THAT'S a pepper grinder!


Check this one out Longwood!

Restaurant: Lapin Saute below the wall in the basse ville. MegaWatts had rabbit pie!
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Beautiful weather!


Cruise ships and the Chateau. This photo is from a grassy park area near the battlements.
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Log Rider


MegaWatts appreciating the art the city had to offer.

Que the "Log Rider" music - you all know you wanna sing it...
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Chateau Frontenac


If you look closely at the Chateau, you can see that it is under repairs, getting a new copper roof. They had a drawing of the Chateau on the scaffolding cover to make it look nicer!
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Alley art


Check these out Mrs Longwood! Artists set up in a cosy alley way in Old Quebec.
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Just checking in to the B & B. Very old inside the walls.
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Thursday, September 29, 2011


Jon and I spent last week in Quebec City for our anniversary. It was beautiful! Great weather, delicious food, awesome wine. We stayed right inside the walls and spent most of our time in the Basse Ville, below the wall, as there were lots of great restaurants.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Our ride to Eagle Rock

Sad to see this old fellow at the bottom of the mountain. Jon took it for a spin.

Still got it?

Jon the ex-rock climber couldn't resist trying out his rusty skills on some of the holds.

Eagle Rock Hike

Nice view, little foggy of course!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Where chainsaws go to die


This past weekend Scott, Jon, Scott's friend Megan and I headed to Sussex for the annual Sussex Flea Market. Over 800 vendors peddling every kind of knick knack and treasure you can imagine.
This year, we decided to kick it up a notch and dress for the occasion. Scott sported his famous 3 Wolf Moon shirt, Jon wore his favourite "Shootin deers and Drinkin Beers is how I roll" shirt and I wore vintage Barra MacNeils (notorious for showing up at formal occasions).

Below are a few pics from the big day.