Sunday, September 30, 2012

Quincy Market!

A food lovers paradise! Nothing but stalls of food vendors.

Boston Public Library!

Beautiful architecture and paintings!

Oyster Bar Boston style

Excellent technique on the Beausoleil care of Shippigan NB!


Park next to Boston Common with beautiful trees.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Year of the Caterpillar

There seem to be a lot of caterpillars this year! Jon even found a glow worm!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

NB Whale watching 2012!

Here we are! Only saw minke whales this trip but fin, humpback and right whales are in the area too! Lots of porpoises as well.

Whale watching!

Mom and I heading out to see some whales in the Passamaquoddy Bay!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Tetter Time!

Harvest time on the back hill! In a Green family tradition dating back generations, Longwood is digging up some Tetters. Carleton County would be proud!

Harvest Time!

More tomatoes than you can shake a stick at!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

International Sculpture Symposium

Taking place on the boardwalk uptown Saint John! Sculptors from all over the world. This is the piece Grand Bay-Westfield is getting from a Bulgarian artist.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

View to Remember

Jon and I hiking back from Pickle Jar Lakes.

Mountain Climbers!

Pickle Jar Lakes hike, Kananaskis country.


40oz steak for Jon in Calgary! Good food and company!

Spice Market!

Jon picking out some new spices! Chipoltle, Tandori, mulling spices.....