Thursday, April 3, 2014

36.5 weeks

Not a glamour shot by any means, but here's 36.5 weeks. I am feeling great except for some swelling and fluid retention, but I guess that's normal at this stage in the game. 
Baby is head down but besides that, no other signs of the little bean coming any time soon. 
I've been getting lots done around the house to prepare however! Baby's room is coming together, laundry done and house is (reasonably) clean. Going to try to enjoy this last bit of time just Jon and I (and Cleo).


Longwood said...

Mom, Scott and I are really excited about the pending new arrival and addition to our family! It's just like waiting for Christmas when we were kids.


It like Christmas every day when Lilly and Connor come to visit or sleep over.

HotRod said...

That baby definitely won't be inheriting any fluid retention from their dad's side. I swear, give that guy one beer... :)