Sunday, April 27, 2014

Still only a grand-dogger...

Still waiting for the human grand baby! 

Friday, April 25, 2014


My best friend is also having a baby, her shower is tomorrow so I made a diaper motorcycle for the decor! At least I hope it looks like a motorcycle...!

40 weeks

Not the best selfie but here's 40 weeks! Baby Watts should be arriving soon...ish...

Old Pooch

10 already.  Cleo knows how to relax these days. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Waiting Game...

No baby yet... But here's a pic of a yummy smoothy  Jon made me.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

38 weeks

Ready to meet baby Watts. Scott calls this the Pregnant Ninja look...
38 weeks now! Still feeling pretty good. Bag is packed for the hospital. Doctor says any day now but I feel like it might be more like weeks...

Hide out

I see you in my nice blanket Cleo...

Sleepers waiting!

Little fire trucks! Sleepers are all ready for the little arrival! 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Fave moment

Memere knitting a special blankie for thebaby and  Cleo helping. Love this photo. 

All packed... I think...

Bags all packed for the hospital. Yes, bagS. Never know what you might want! You can see a comfy pillow, nursing pillow, some toiletry bags, protein bars, etc. Lots more jammed inside! 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Baby's Room

Couple shots of the nursery. Not done yet but getting there!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

36.5 weeks

Not a glamour shot by any means, but here's 36.5 weeks. I am feeling great except for some swelling and fluid retention, but I guess that's normal at this stage in the game. 
Baby is head down but besides that, no other signs of the little bean coming any time soon. 
I've been getting lots done around the house to prepare however! Baby's room is coming together, laundry done and house is (reasonably) clean. Going to try to enjoy this last bit of time just Jon and I (and Cleo).

Cuddle Time

Wienie sleeping on my belly. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Finally figured out the car seat... It was touch and go, with some colourful language.