Jon certainly knows the way to my heart.
This is my birthday present!!
It's a Hoosier baker's table, manufactured from around the 1890's to 1940. This one is sometimes known as a "possum belly" as it has the flour drawers hanging underneath. This style of baker's table was popular before there were mass-produced kitchen cabinets to store items. The table is an early style, made all out of wood. Later models were made with zinc, tin, and even marble on the top. Tin drums kept rodents from gnawing through to eat the flour.
Jon spotted this while he was dropping off some items at the Habitat for Humanity Re-Store in town. It's in rough shape, but he knew it was just what I was looking for to put our TV on.
Turns out they are rather rare (though mass produced at the turn of the century, mostly out of Indiana). He paid $75 for it. A quick look on e-bay, Craiglist and Kijiji shows us that these sell normally from $300-$1500. So not too bad at all! We love it!!!