
Nothing scarier then a Habs fan....


Sat morning at Longwood with memere.

More blankie!

Cleo has stolen Jon's blanket and made it her own. Though it hardly fits.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Apple Picking! NB Style

Biggest apples ever! Got there on the first day so had the pick of the crop!

The Brother

Scott tried out his ninja skills since ladders are no longer available.

Yup, almost as big!

Scientific measuring for how big the apples were.


Watts making sure only the best come home for Dad's pies.

Dad diving in

Great day for picking! First day open.

Best apples yet

Growers in NB had a perfect summer for growing.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Quincy Market!

A food lovers paradise! Nothing but stalls of food vendors.

Boston Public Library!

Beautiful architecture and paintings!

Oyster Bar Boston style

Excellent technique on the Beausoleil care of Shippigan NB!


Park next to Boston Common with beautiful trees.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Year of the Caterpillar

There seem to be a lot of caterpillars this year! Jon even found a glow worm!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

NB Whale watching 2012!

Here we are! Only saw minke whales this trip but fin, humpback and right whales are in the area too! Lots of porpoises as well.

Whale watching!

Mom and I heading out to see some whales in the Passamaquoddy Bay!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Tetter Time!

Harvest time on the back hill! In a Green family tradition dating back generations, Longwood is digging up some Tetters. Carleton County would be proud!

Harvest Time!

More tomatoes than you can shake a stick at!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

International Sculpture Symposium

Taking place on the boardwalk uptown Saint John! Sculptors from all over the world. This is the piece Grand Bay-Westfield is getting from a Bulgarian artist.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

View to Remember

Jon and I hiking back from Pickle Jar Lakes.

Mountain Climbers!

Pickle Jar Lakes hike, Kananaskis country.


40oz steak for Jon in Calgary! Good food and company!

Spice Market!

Jon picking out some new spices! Chipoltle, Tandori, mulling spices.....

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Natalie and I went to one of our fav restaurants in Calgary - Globefish, a sushi place. This is the crispy spicy tuna!

Maples smoked pork tenderloin

...with sweet fresh rosemary. Mmmm another winner from Jon.

Margerita Pizza

Natalie roasted up a delicious thin-crust pizza on the BBQ, with fresh tomatoes from Rod's garden!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Lots of good finds at the Sussex Flea Market this year! Here I am rocking my new wicker purse! Jon is looking dapper in his fav Flea Market shirt!

Cruising, Saint John version!

This was actually a beautiful sunny day. As the fog rolled in, a Disney cruise ship left the harbour. It honked "When you wish upon a star" as it disappeared into the fog.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Sussex Flea Market!

Jon and I at the annual sussex flea market!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Olive Oil Tasting!

Jon and I stopped in at the new olive oil tasting bar in SJ. Sooo good! We got a few bottles to try at home:
-light extra virgin
-butter EVOO (for popcorn!)
-herb infused (for cooking)
-strawberry basalmic for Jon's dressings

Monday, July 30, 2012

Naner Topper!!

After searching for years, I finally found a Banana Topper. This is the best kitchen gadget ever invented. Sometimes you only want half a banana... So what happens to the other half? It goes brown and mushy and you throw that sh$z out is what! Not anymore!! Banana topper clamps the end of the banana and ta-da! Saved for another snack! Perfect for smoothies....because we all know a banana will take over a smoothy if you let it.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Fish Fry!

Dad cooked up a freshly deep fried batch of haddock and french fries in honour of the London Olympic Games! So far we have enjoyed Shepard's Pie and Traditional Fish and Chips in honour of the Games!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Practice makes perfect!!

Here's dad with the kayak in the pool. Yup. He was practicing some safety moves like getting back in the kayake when it tips. This is a lot harder then you would think... it involves a lot of strength and balance. Plus lots of dumps in the water to make you appreciate it. Barrel rolls are for another day...