Wednesday, September 11, 2013



  1. At that rate, you'll be in a new house by October.

  2. Those carpenters are good workers. It really helps when you know what you are doing as well. I helped out last night by picking up all the refuse around the construction site and depositing it in a pile for disposal

  3. Those carpenters are good workers. It really helps when you know what you are doing as well. I helped out last night by picking up all the refuse around the construction site and depositing it in a pile for disposal

  4. Seriously, you should bring those guys some Tims in the morning or a six-pack each on Friday night before they knock off for the weekend. Awesome progress. They could teach the builders in Calgary a thing or two!

  5. You have that so right Natalie! Thsy do in a week here in NB what it seems to thake them three months in Calgary. No wonder the houses start at $1 million.

  6. One of the carpenters has a brand new 4x4 pick-up truck with "Saskatchatoon" plates. He must have worked a while out west.
