Sunday, January 26, 2014

28 Weeks

Officially third trimester! In the homestretch now. Baby is moving a lot and sometimes moves when it hears Jon's voice :) 
Weighs around 2.5 pounds and the size of a large eggplant.


Not sure if we posted this. Beautiful original art Jon bought me for Christmas. It's by one of our favourite artists, Brian Allen Adams titled 'A Beaver Tale'. Perfect for our new home :)

Big Sister Tip

Wait anxiously for new baby to arrive by keeping watch at the window.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Big Sister Tips

Tip #127
Get as much sleep as you can before the baby arrives.

All ready!

All ready for baby! New car sear.


New stroller for baby Watts!
It's a BOB brand and can even go on trails.


I finally bought something for the baby. This ridiculously soft blankie. Will be great for rocking :)

Bark Art

Cleo's new art from Nanny Sue and Augie (Grampy Bruce)!

25 week Selfie

25 weeks tomorrow! I'll try to take a better pic this weekend. Baby is 9 inches and over 1.5 lbs already. Feeling great :)

Train Derailment ......Dad has been sent off to Plaster Rock, NB as part of a small team of Saint John Fire Fighters asked to go assume command of the recent train derailment and relieve the departments who have been on scene 24/7. Luckily no one was hurt as it is a rural area, but the small town was evacuated and a few tank cars remain on fire even after a few days.