Friday, January 10, 2014

Train Derailment ......Dad has been sent off to Plaster Rock, NB as part of a small team of Saint John Fire Fighters asked to go assume command of the recent train derailment and relieve the departments who have been on scene 24/7. Luckily no one was hurt as it is a rural area, but the small town was evacuated and a few tank cars remain on fire even after a few days.

1 comment:

  1. We decided to blow the whole pile to smitherenes (Yosemite Sam technical term) so we could all be tucked cozy in our beds for the week-end. (just kidding!) We did approve a "vent and burn" BLEVE(boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion or in my business:(blast levels everything very effectively)process carried out by some good-old retired US Army trained state troopas from Baton Rouge Louisiana. Quote from Billy-Bob (I kid you not, that was his name) the head Explosive Demolition Wrecker: "What we have heaa is shit on a stick and if we don't remediate asap you'all is gonna hav ta eat it! I'm continuing to have some fun at work right up to the day I exit.
