My longshot filly favourite, Eight Belles, came second in the Kentucky Derby. But after the race ended, she collapsed onto the ground having broken both her front ankles. This is an injury that a horse cannot recovery from, so she was immediately euthanized by the head vet at Churchill Downs :( The favourite Big Brown won in an awesome show, he could be the next super horse. My pick Pyro got bumped to the back, not even sure where he finished.
I think pyro was 8th.
Oh Adele, this is so sad, it makes my stomach turn almost to hear this stuff. She was probably just running her heart out to win...
I still remember being at the Chuck Wagon race last year when the big accident happened and a front horse tripped and then the whole team fell and then the team behind them couldn't stop and basically ran right over them. I almost threw up, it was horrible. In the end all four horses in the team had to be put down, one died on the track.
I am so sad for you and this Eight Belles today. :(
Everything and everyone in the whole crazy world is being pushed way too hard to win, achieve, succeed and on it goes...
this was pretty terrible. i only watch the derby cause i love horses and they are so beautiful, so this was pretty hard to watch
:( those horses are treated like top athletes though (at this level at least). it's still a sin cause she tried so hard.
Oh ...that just broke my heart..How tragic for the horse, trainers,jockey, owners...how sad =(
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