Thursday, May 29, 2008


I really didn't think that a squirrel would be able to eat out of our new bird feeder. But as you can see, he is enjoying a nice snack. The feeder is now empty.
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nuclearwasted said...

I like your cozy retreat not so large that it becomes all work and no play, keep it that way you'll enjoy it so much more. Phychic I may have to hire you for some counselling as it seems that these daughters of mine are growing up and don't feel that I'm all knowing and the most important man in their lives any more, I'm afraid I'll have to change the name of our estate from Greenacres to Heartbreak hotel, oh what is a father of girls to do.

PsycChicMegaWatts said...

Oh no!
Longwood always said "the only man a girl can ever really trust is her daddy". Let them know that :)

Unfortunately young ladies like to make their own decisions and therefore their own mistakes...just be sure to keep your shoulder open should any crying happen :)

NZ Toomeys said...

Oh No - Crisis and Greenacres. Do I need to come back to help with the couselling. I can be there in less that 24 hours. Just holler.....(she says looking for an excuse to come back)

That squirel is too cute and has some ingenuity>